Tamás Mészáros

associate professor
A munkatárs fényképe

Contact information

1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. I. ép. IE413
+36 1 463-4394
+36 1 463-4112
meszaros (*) mit * bme * hu


Education: I teach computer science subjects including artificial intelligence and operating systems subjects.
Research: natural language processing (text mining, controlled natural languages) and artificial intelligence (intelligent agents)
Engineerng: in addition to the topics above I'm also involved in developing Web systems, support Linux-based OSes and assemble smart home systems using Home Assistant and ESP-based components.

Education Research and Development
NLP and semantic technologies
Operating Systems
Digital Humanities Research Lab
Semantic és cooperative systems project labs Main organizer of AI25 @ BME VIK artificial intelligence conference

My latest project work and thesis proposals include natural Language Interfaces in cars or at home, authorship attribution and semantic annotation of business articles and medical documents

My presentation at EU V4 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Brussels


Research areas (past and present)

Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities (2013-)
text analysis, automatic tagging, building hybrid knowledge bases, cloud storage and processing

Controlled Natural Language Interfaces (2009-)
language processing, controlled interfaces, structured digital abstracts, interface agents

Information and Knowledge Fusion (2000-2010)
text mining, information extraction, IKF parser framework

Using Intelligent Agents in Information Retrieval and Sharing (1999-)
project leader, project summary (old)

I2RT - Integrated Information Systems (2001-2003)
project leader, project pages available only in Hungarian.

Intelligent Product Manuals (1997-2000)
technical leader / IT, offical (now off-line) and local project pages, including a demonstration




List of publications and author profiles:  ResearcherID  Scopus  ORCID  Google Scholar  ResearchGate

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