Tamás Mészáros

Contact information
Education: I teach computer science subjects including artificial intelligence and operating systems subjects.
Research: natural language processing (text mining, controlled natural languages) and artificial intelligence (intelligent agents)
Engineerng: in addition to the topics above I'm also involved in developing Web systems, support Linux-based OSes and assemble smart home systems using Home Assistant and ESP-based components.
Education | Research and Development |
NLP and semantic technologies Operating Systems |
Digital Humanities Research Lab |
Semantic és cooperative systems project labs | Main organizer of AI25 @ BME VIK artificial intelligence conference |
My latest project work and thesis proposals include natural Language Interfaces in cars or at home, authorship attribution and semantic annotation of business articles and medical documents |
My presentation at EU V4 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Brussels |
Research areas (past and present)
Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities (2013-)
text analysis, automatic tagging, building hybrid knowledge bases, cloud storage and processing
Controlled Natural Language Interfaces (2009-)
language processing, controlled interfaces, structured digital abstracts, interface agents
Information and Knowledge Fusion (2000-2010)
text mining, information extraction, IKF parser framework
Using Intelligent Agents in Information Retrieval and Sharing (1999-)
project leader, project summary (old)
I2RT - Integrated Information Systems (2001-2003)
project leader, project pages available only in Hungarian.
Intelligent Product Manuals (1997-2000)
technical leader / IT, offical (now off-line) and local project pages, including a demonstration
Szakmai előadások:
- AI's cloudy sky (2018. October 11)
- Agents in information retrieval (1998 - 2001)
- COSMOS (2002 - 2004)
- Dictionary of Skills and Competencies (2004 - 2008)
- Digital Humanities R&D (2014 - 2023)
- I2RT Knowledge Center (2001 - 2002)
- Information and Knowledge Fusion (2001 - 2003)
- Intelligent Product Manuals (1996 - 1999)
- Management of Ontologies (2003 - 2004)
- MODIFY (1994 - 1997)
- Robust object-oriented systems (2001 - 2003)
- Semantic Annotation of Business Documents (2020 - 2023)