Developing a Natural Language Processing System
Tanszéki konzulens:
associate professor
Szoba: IE437
+36 1 463-2899 Email: meszaros (*) mit * bme * hu |
A kiírás adatai
A téma státusza:
Aktív (aktuális, lehet rá jelentkezni)
Kiírás éve:
A kiírás jellege:
önálló labor, szakdolgozat/diplomaterv
Research group:
Intelligent Systems Project proposal
During the project work students develop natural language processing (NLP) systems for various real-world tasks like text classification (e.g. sentiment analysis, authorship attribution, topic identification etc.) and automated text annotation (e.g. named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging etc.). Application areas include business and medical information systems and digital humanities. Cooperating with our industrial and academic partners is a possibility for skillful and motivated students.
Customize the proposal according to your ideas, e.g.:
- information extraction from online sources (Web, Facebook, Twitter etc.)
- annotate text with knowledge (e.g. Link Open Data sources)
- identify hate speech or fake news
- identify unknown authors or classify authors based on stylometry analysis
- ... you name it
What do you need to successfully fulfill your task
- good knowledge of programming languages, especially Python
- basic knowledge of natural language processing terms and methods (see for e.g. Chapter 23. and 24. in AIMA)
- very basic understanding of statistical methods like clustering and machine learning tools
- motivation
What to expect to learn during your work
- how NLP tools work in practice
- how to model natural language texts for various purposes and how to build and use these models
- what kinds of text attributes can be examined and used
- how to solve different kinds of NLP-tasks
How to apply
- collect your ideas (what problems you would like to solve, how you would do it etc.)
- assess your experience (programming knowledge, previous NLP-related work etc.)
- write a short introductory letter to the supervisor including the above
Kapcsolódó weblapok:
Submitted by Mészáros Tamás on 2021. August 24. 14:42 | Last updated: 2023. August 10. 21:22