Virtual Research Laboratory

Virtual Laboratory for Cooperation in Research and Knowledge Transfer
Nemzetközi (egyéb)
Kezdés éve: 
Befejezés éve: 
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Dresden Branch (FhG-IIS), Germany, Tallinn Technical University (TTU), Estonia, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Poland, Institute of Electron Technology (IET), Poland, Institute of Informatics (formerly Institute of Computer Systems of SAS), Slovakia, Slovak Technical University (STU-FEI), Slovakia, Darmstadt University of Technology (THD), Germany, Linkoeping University (LIU), Sweden, Ericsson Telecom AB, (Sweden), Cibernetica Ltd., (Estonia), TECHLAB 2000 Ltd., (Poland), DERBY Ltd., (Slovak Republic), Thesys GmbH., (Germany), TEMIC Kft., (Hungary)

Tanszéki projektvezető

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE436
+36 1 463-4113
Email: peceli (*) mit * bme * hu

Tanszéki résztvevők

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE436
+36 1 463-4113
Email: peceli (*) mit * bme * hu

Contact information

Gábor Péceli


A new COPERNICUS Project 977133 (Microelectronics Virtual Laboratory for Cooperating in Research and Knowledge Transfer) VILAB has been set up to create a Virtual Laboratory for cooperation in research, teaching and knowledge transfer between nine Eastern and Western European universities and institutes in the field of electronics and computer engineering. The aim of the project was setting up and maintaining an East-West Virtual Laboratory (VL) for promoting cooperative research, development and training initiatives among partner institutions in CEE and EC countries in the design of dependable microelectronics systems. The VL has offered a new quality in cooperative R&D and teaching by facilitating information exchange, sharing of software tools and courses developed by partners enabling joint work on research projects and practical designs, providing access to microelectronics component libraries, benchmark circuits, design examples etc. available at partners labs. The VL has served as a source of information not only for partners, but also to all other interested persons and institutions, including national industries with a special emphasis on SMEs. International cooperation provided synergy needed for success of this cooperation. The project activities concentrated on three major objectives: Establishing the Virtual Laboratory. Maintaining and exploiting the VL. Making the VL visible for the outside environment by organizing User Forums and publishing regularly electronic newsletter. The Virtual Laboratory Newsletter has been established for providing regular operative information inside as well as outside the VL. It contains information about the latest developments in the available infrastructure, about research results, development work and technology transfer to SMEs.

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