R3-COP Resilient Reasoning Robotic Co-operating Systems

R3-COP Resilient Reasoning Robotic Co-operating Systems
EU kutatási keretprogram
Kezdés éve: 
Befejezés éve: 
26 participating organizations from 11 countries (http://www.r3-cop.eu/)

Tanszéki projektvezető

A munkatárs fényképe
habilitated associate professor
Szoba: IB421
+36 1 463-3598
Email: majzik (*) mit * bme * hu

Tanszéki résztvevők

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE437
+36 1 463-2899
Email: tade (*) mit * bme * hu
A doktorandusz fényképe
PhD student
Szoba: IE426
+36 1 463-25-76
Email: engedy (*) mit * bme * hu
A doktorandusz fényképe
PhD student
Szoba: IE423

Contact information

Prof. Dr. - Ing. Mladen Berekovic
István Majzik


R3-COP (Resilient Reasoning Robotic Co-operating Systems) aims at providing European
industry with new leading-edge innovation that will enable the production of advanced
robust and safe cognitive, reasoning autonomous and co-operative robotic systems at
reduced cost.
The major objective is to achieve cross-sector reusability of building blocks, collected
in a knowledge base, by developing and implementing a generic framework and platform with
domain-specific instantiation, and use of a multi-purpose computing platform.

Technical innovation
  •Fault-tolerant, high-performance processing platform based on a multi-core architecture
  •Developing new test strategies for mobile and adaptive systems with complex sensor input
   (vision) with measurable coverage
  •Robust perception of the environment
  •Reasoning, learning and reliable action control
  •Development framework with an underlying knowledge base
  •Tool platform for guarded development and standardized testing
  •Model-driven process for the compositional development of safe and robust robotic
   co-operating (autonomous) systems
•Demonstrators from ground-based, airborne and underwater domains, including domestic and
 manufacturing applications as well.

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