Medical practice supporting

A Web-based information retrieval system supporting medical practice
Kezdés éve: 
Befejezés éve: 
DSS Consulting Informatikai és Tanácsadó Kft., Semmelweis Egyetem Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Orvosinformatikai Tanszéki Csoport

Tanszéki projektvezető

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE437
+36 1 463-2899
Email: tade (*) mit * bme * hu

Tanszéki résztvevők

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE437
+36 1 463-2899
Email: tade (*) mit * bme * hu

Contact information

DSS Consulting Informatikai és Tanácsadó Kft.
Tadeusz Dobrowiecki


A Web-based information retrieval system supporting medical practice / medical decision making. The goal of the project is to develop a system realizing automated literature search and retrieval assisting clinical information systems. The search agent is intended to start from clinical documentation (the electronic patient record) written in Hungarian. To support this, a bilingual (Hungarian-English), scalable, transparent logical-semantic medical concept handling system, a terminology server is established. A conversion tool is set up to map the content of electronic medical records (of different ungarian proprietary systems) to a standard medical record architecture, using standard terminology. A logical problem detection tool helps in filtering out some types of relevant medical problems in the structured text of the electronic medical record, and to pass it for the next phase: Information in the electronic medical record and the detected problems (pro-s and con-s of diagnostic methods, selection of therapy method) are the input to an automated search agent. The goal of this is to perform a case related intelligent search in selected public medical databases, feedback of search results and archive them. The applied technologies are connected by the XML syntax of the electronic documents used in this project.

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