Mid Term information
Mid-Term schedule:
First mid-term: 2016. 05. 02. (Monday) 12:15, Rooms: IE224 (regular lecture room for Monday)Repeated mid-term:
Neptun Code Test 1st task 2nd task Sum Signature
I3D4JB 0 Not present FKKB1U 17.5 2 10 29.5 Granted Z065WM 22 8 10 40 Granted QOSCVY 9 0 7 16 Not granted HHNHTU 14 5 10 29 Granted I0PEDL 20.5 2 9 31.5 Granted G232RC 12.5 0 0 12.5 Not granted VE8OT9 18.5 2 4 24.5 Granted GF0D3O 0 Not present HQGK8D 18 7 10 35 Granted OHFEYR 9.5 0 0 9.5 Not granted I3CSDJ 19 7 9 35 Granted
Repeated mid-term: Date and location are to be decied later
- Only for students required to write a mid-term and students asking for repeating a mid-term for better results can attaned.
- You need to send be an email to repeat the mid-term for better results if you have already got the signature at least one working day before the repeated mid-term. You can also fail or reduce the point you earned if you are try to repeat the mid-term.
Repeated mid-term in the retake period: Date and location are to be decided later
Only for students required to write a mid-term and students asking for repeating a mid-term for better results can attaned.
You need to send be an email to repeat the mid-term for better results if you have already got the signature at least one working day before the repeated mid-term. You can also fail or reduce the point you earned if you are try to repeat the mid-term.
Mid-term topics for 2016 (also for repeated mid-terms):
- Introduction
- Unix introduction
- Windows introduction
- Scheduling 1.
- Scheduling 2.
- Implementation of tasks, processes and threads
- UNIX process management
- UNIX scheduling
- Windows Scheduling
- Mutual exclusion, synchronization, communication in shared memory
- Inter Process Communication with Message Passing
- Deadlocks
Embedded additional Web pages:
Submitted by Kovácsházy Tamás on 2012. February 25. 19:15 | Last updated: 2016. May 5. 17:02