Prof. Lengyel Máté előadása Mentális modellek Bayes-i megközelítésben címmel
Prof. Lengyel Máté, a Cambridge University Engineering Department professzora, március 22-én csütörtökön 12.15 órától a BME I. épület 224. termében tart előadást „Mentális modellek Bayes-i megközelítésben” címmel. Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.
Prof. Lengyel Máté: A Bayesian approach to internal models
Professor of Computational Neuroscience, Computational and Biological Learning Lab, Cambridge University Engineering Department
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University
Our percepts rely on an internal model of the environment, relating physical processes of the world to inputs received by our senses. In this tutorial, I will explain how Bayesian inference can be used as a principled theoretical framework to formalise the way internal models are used in a broad range of cognitive domains, from perception, through motor control, to high-level cognition. I will also show how the same formalism describes the learning and adaptation of internal models to the statistical properties of the environment, ensuring the veracity of the inferences we draw from them.
Submitted by Developer on 2018. March 19. 10:36 | Last updated: 2018. March 19. 14:15