Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

- Who attends the conference?
- Attending the conference is obligatory for every PhD student at the department. We also invite a few a PhD students from abroad. Furthermore, any masters student can also attend the conference if his/her advisor agrees.
- What materials should I prepare if I attend the conference?
- We expect four pages long papers written in English from every attende. Accepted papers are presented at the conference in 15 minutes and questions can be answered in 5 minutes.
- What is an "annual research report"?
- Local PhD students (as this is obligatory for them) can submit the paper as an "annual research report", which should be presented at the conference, but their work is not going to be published. It is good in cases, when the PhD student wants to publish his/her work elsewhere.
- What are the benefits of attending such a conference?
- As a young researcher, you can practice writing good publications (publications will be peer-reviewed) and giving talks. Also, at the conference attendees can get familiar with other's ongoing research topics.
- What tools can be used for the presentation?
- We will prepare a laptop with Windows OS and with preinstalled Microsoft Power Point 2010 and Adobe Reader XI. We will also provide a presenter.
- I will be abroad at the time of conference. What's next?
- You still have to submit a paper, which will be peer-reviewed as well.

Formatting requirements

- Please use the latest version of the IEEE templates (Latex or Microsoft Word) without any modification to the style. You can find the templates here. Also you can find an example of the formatting here:
- Is there any additional formatting requirment?
- Yes! Please check these before submitting your work!
  • Use headline capitalization in the title and in all (sub)section titles. E.g., Evaluation of the Model-Based Approach.
  • In the affilation also indicate the department besides the university: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems
  • Author surnames should not be all capitals. Use "Bob Smith" instead of "Bob SMITH".
  • Authors should be in one column, similarly in the above example. If the authors work in separate institutes please use symbols (asterisk, dagger, etc.). Latex code for one institue: Latex code for two institutes:
  • Email addresses should be typed with fix-width fonts, use "tt" in Latex. Also do not make them clickable.
  • If the paper is submitted as an annual research report, please add the following under the title: (Annual Research Report). Using the Latex template use this command: \IEEEspecialpapernotice{(Annual Research Report)}.
  • Sponsors can be added in an Acknowledgement section.
  • Don't use page numbers as they will get a different one in the proceedings.
  • Paper size should be A4 (Latex code: \documentclass[conference,a4paper]{IEEEtran})
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