Dr. György Orosz
Position:  Associate professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Mail: H-1521 Budapest, Hungary
Office: Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2. H-1117.
Building I, Wing E, Room I.E.330. 
Phone: + 36 1 463-3587, fax (dept): + 36 1 463-4112
Secretariat: Building I, Wing E, Room I.E.444. Phone: +36 1 463-2057
URL: http://www.mit.bme.hu/~orosz/
E-mail: orosz-at-mit.bme.hu (replace "-at-" by @)

Magyar honlap

Curriculum Vitae

List of Publications  ( BME Publication database )    

Research Topics


PhD Thesis

